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第三章纪功碑式的巨石雕刻群 一、茂陵国宝——巨石群雕十二品


  The grand writing Chinese Civilization History·Dynasties of the Han& the Qin carries on page 968 of its later half a conspicuous headline,under which reports were recorded of brilliant achievements in stone sculptural arts of ancient China-Maoling Mausoleum·Huge Stone Sculptures at the Graveyard of Huo Qubing.
  Although huge stone sculptures placed at palatial chambers and mausoleums of the Qin Dynasty(221-206 B.C.)were recorded in China's historical data,none of them has been now left existent.The monumental huge stone sculptures of the earliest age existent so far are the huge stone sculptures at the graveyard of Huo Qubing,a valiant general of the Han Dynasty(206 B.C.-220 A.D.).In 4th year(119 B.C.)under the reign title of Yuanshou(122-116 B.C.),Huo Qubing,the cavalry officer and his uncle Wei Qing,the chief commander,led troops on their expedition out to launch punitive attacks on the Hun aggressors and won decisive victory at the military campaign.The powerful attacks on the invaders basically freed the dynasty from long-term military menace from the Huns.Three years later,Huo Qubing unfortunately died of illness when he reached the age of 24.Emperor Wudi felt very grieved over his death.In order to commemorate the military exploits Huo had performed on the northern and western borders in Gansu against the Huns,his burial ceremony was extremely solemn and his grave mound of natural stones was shaped into Mt.Qilian where he had swept the enemies.Huge stone sculptures resembling animal images were placed on the grave mound to achieve a more vivid imitation of Mt.Qilian.The stones generally measure over 1.5m by length,some even beyond 2.5m.The 17 stone sculptures existent so far include Horse,Elephant,Tiger,Sheep,Boer,Fish,Monster Preying on Sheep and Man against Bear.Due to the engraving skill at an initial stage then,sculptural shape was largely limited by stone shape.Moreover,due to lack of sharp tools able to pierce huge stones into required sculptures,choice of stone materials became a tough job consuming time and energy.So,choice of stone materials was focused on the stones similar to outlines of required sculptures.Thus,processing could be simple and easy to lay emphasis on typical parts of sculptures by relief engraving and line engraving.One illustrative example is the sculpture Stone Fish,which was done by selecting a stone similar to the outline of fish,applying line engraving to the gill and carving double circles to represent the eyes.As for such quadrupeds as horses and oxen,they were mostly carved to take squatting posture by relief engraving due to lack of piercing skill.But,effort was made hard to evade similarities among them and push forward their individualities.Through analysis of a dozen sculptural works preserved so far,three pieces of sculptural works depicting horse image should be regarded as the core of the sculptures.They are Horse Squatting for Action,Horse Ready to Leap and Hun Invader Hoofed by Warhorse.They symbolized three respective stages of call,battle and victory,reflecting the theme on defeat of the Hun army.
  Horse Squatting for Action depicts eagerness of the horse,on hearing the militant call,for battle.Horse Ready to Leap impresses people with forging momentum by the head held high and the forelegs lifted high as if the immense body weight was to press down the obstinate foe.Hun Invader Hoofed by Warhorse depicts the defeated Hun invader lying on the back in a hopeless expression of desperate resistance underneath the horse belly and trying in vain to thrust the horse by the belly with a long spear in hand.But the valiant horse displayed indomitable courage and stood steadfast fearlessly.
  A National Treasures at Maoling Mausoleum—Twelve Pieces of Huge Stone Sculptures
  B Monumental Huge Stone Sculptures


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